My interview

On April 30, 2024, I was interviewed by a local news station. I was on TV! It was very nerve-wracking, so I am not going to mention it anymore. Today I worked on my website, adding a map, quizzes, and a newsletter. For the rest of the day, I think I will prioritize cleaning my room, I think I deserve it after four years of high school.

I saw something on YouTube where people try to write 50k words in 24 hours (12 hours each day for 2 days,) and I think it’s something I would like to try. I’ve been working on my second book for some time, and I think it would be beneficial to give myself two days to lock myself in my room and do nothing but write. However, I feel like I would have to do a lot of outlining and planning first.

If I were to do it, I think I would take breaks each hour and maybe go outside to avoid eye strain. I would have to bring food in my room before hand, maybe granola bars or stuff similar, so that I won’t have to leave my desk to get it. I have 17k on my first draft so far, and I have been working on the outline for a while as well, all I would need to do is put my thoughts into actual words.

That’s all I really have to say right now, sign up for my newsletter :) I really need to clean my room. Thank you for reading!


Am I living the life I was meant to live?


First post